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2003 Cedar/Paradise Fire

The 2003 fires were scary for everyone in San Diego. For August & Shea Fluegge Jr especially, as the fire was basically on top of their home and hen houses. At the time, August and Shea had three kids: a 6, 4, & 1 year old. The three kids were quickly evacuated to their grandparents and stayed there about a week while the fires passed through. August, Shea, Firefighters, paramedics, neighbors, and other Fluegge family members helped fight the fire directly from the Fluegge home. This whole experience was eye-opening for everyone. The Brush had 40 years of growth, so the flames were getting up to 100 feet high. All anyone could do to help was to put out the little fires caused by ambers and clear brush from around the buildings to keep the flames farther away. Luckily only two structures on the Fluegge property were burnt down, and no person or chicken were harmed. 

Fight Hard for what You Love
No Challenge Too Daunting

Every business has had a time of struggle that has tested their ability. The 2003 Cedar\Paradise fires were definitely a hiccup in the Fluegge business. As a smaller family-owned business, this could have been a bigger disaster and even the end of the ranch, but they kept fighting to save their ranch and the hens. The Fluegge family fought hard through it, came back stronger, and continue to use this drive to make sure their hens are always happy and healthy no matter the risk.

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